Woman Portrayal in Hamilton | Ace 1000

Chaoneng Tan
Nov 6, 2020

Following up my last post on Hamilton,
this one talks about the woman figures in Hamilton.

“The Schuyler Sisters” in Hamilton portrays not only women but everyone during the time of war as being hyperactive. Not only are everyone’s hopes for the war rising but people are getting riled up preparing to take it into their own hands to make a change. This hyperactivity is displayed when one of the Schuyler sisters says “History is happening.”

In “Satisfied” in Hamilton, the woman is portrayed as being alluring and being able to influence people like Hamilton even though Hamilton is in such a high position. This gives more power to the woman even though they themselves aren't in positions of power.

“Burn” in Hamilton shows the wisdom of women flowing through the disaster caused by hamilton’s choices. Hamilton chose to not stay loyal to his wife and got into a dispute with another with caused his position in society to fall.

